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on the NEWS section  

  • ​Dr. Sun gave a talk at Anaerobe 2022, Seattle, USA.  
  • Congratulations to Dr. Shaohui Wang for promotion to the Research Assistant Professor
  • Our team received a second donation from Anthony Gagliardi Memorial Foundation.
  • Welcome Abiral Hasib Shourav to join the team as a PhD candidate, starting in Aug 2022.
  • Dr. Sun was invited as a Convener and speaker at American Society of Microbiology (ASM) 2022 meeting (June 9-13,2022).
  • Dr. Sun was invited as a Keynote Speaker at International Conference and Expo on
  • Applied Microbiology 2022 (June 17-18, 2022).
  • Dr. Sun was selected as the Vice President for USF Chapter of National Academy of
  • Inventors, since January 2022.
  • Dr. Sun served NIH HIBP Study Section Panel (June 29-30, 2022).
  • Welcome Dr. Anastasia Tomatsidou to join our research team as a postdoctoral fellow
  • starting in April 2022
  • Dr. Sun served NIH Digestive System Host Defense, Microbial Interactions and Immune and Inflammatory Diseases (DHMI) Study Section Panel (February 24-25, 2022).
  • Welcome Lubem Agbendeh to join the team as a PhD candidate, starting in Dec 2021
  • Dr. Sun served NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2) Review Panel ZRG1 CVRS-
  • A70 (Oct 12 – Dec 10, 2021).
  • Welcome Hassan Haidar and Irene Arias Gutierrez to join the team as master students
  • starting in Sept, 2021
  • Dr. Sun was invited as a speaker in "Vaccines Conference-2021", Aug 26-28, 2021
  • Sun lab received a new mPI R21 with the University of Tennessee  with a preliminary score of 20. July 2021
  • Congratulations to Joshua Heuler for graduation with honor from USF. May 2021
  • Congratulations to Ishani Wickramage for the publication in "J Antimicrob Chemother". July 2021​
  • Congratulations to Joshua Heuler for the publication in publication in "FEMS Microbiology Reviews". Feb 2021 
  • Joshhua Heuler presenting at "2021 Annual Undergraduate research Conference"  at USF​. See here
  • Congratulations to Dulong Zhu and team members for the publication in "Applied and Environmental Microbiology". April 2021
  • Dr. Sun was invited as a Convener and  speaker at ASM 2021. June 20-24, 2021
  • Dr. Sun served on NIH Study section panel (III). June 23-15, 2021
  • Congratulations to Hiran Malinda for being accepted by the PhD program at USF.  Feb, 2021
  • Dr. Sun was invited as a seminar speaker in the Department of Chemistry, USF. March 31, 2021
  • Dr. Sun was invited to serve NIH study section panel (DP2). March 16-17, 2021
  • Dr. Sun was invited as a seminar speaker at the Dankook University, South Korea, Dec 9-10, 2021
  • Dr. Sun chaired NIH Study section panel (NIAID R34 and U01) on July 16, 2020
  • Congratulations to Kristina Valladares for successfully defend her Master thesis with a Grade"A"

Clostridioides difficile  Research Team

​University of South Florida



  • ​​2024 June. Dr. Sun received a new NIH R21 grant.
  • 2024 Feb. Dr. Sun received a new NIH R01 grant with 6 percentile
  • 2024 Jan. Dr. Sun received USF Early-Stage Innovation Award.
  • 2024. “A novel peptidoglycan hydrolase, plays pleiotropic roles in Clostridioides difficile R20291”. Speaker at “22nd International Conference on Bacilli and Gram-positive Bacteria”. (June 18-21, 2024. Indiana University, USA)
  • 2024 Mar. Congratulations to Lubem Agbendeh on receiving Clinical & Translational Science Award at USF Health Research Day 2024
  • 2023. “Mucosal Vaccine Strategies against Clostridioides difficile infection”. Invited Speaker at 8th International Conference on Vaccines Research & Development (Nov 6-8, 2023. Boston, MA)
  • 2023. “Novel multivalent vaccines against Clostridioides difficile infection. Keynote Speaker at International Summit on Vaccines research and Development (Sept 11-13, 2023. San Francisco, USA).
  • 2023. “Development of an effective nontoxigenic Clostridioides difficile-based oral vaccine against C. difficile Infection”. Invited Speaker at Vaccines Summit 2023 (Nov 13-15, 2023. Boston, MA).
  • NIH Immunology and Infectious Diseases A (IIDA)-ZRG1 IIDA-V Study Section Panel (July 17, 2024)
  • Ad hoc Grant Reviewer for Canada Foundation for Innovation (Mar 2024)
  • Ad hoc Grant Reviewer for Swiss National Science Foundation (Feb 2024)
  • Ad hoc Grant Reviewer for German Research Foundation (Jan 2024)
  • NIH Vaccines Against Infectious Diseases Study Section (VID) Panel (Feb 29 – Mar 1, 2024)
  • NIH Bacterial-Host Interactions (BHI) Study Section Panel (Nov 2-3, 2023)
  • NIH Digestive System Host Defense, Microbial Interactions and Immune and Inflammatory Diseases (DHMI) Study Section Panel (June 29-30, 2023)
  • NIH Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis ZRG1 IIDB-k (90) Study Section Panel (Mar 29, 2023)
  • Ad hoc Reviewer for French National Research Agency (May 2023)
  • Welcome  Adrit Roy, Justin Boumalhab, Marco Hanna, Rajath Talpady to join our research team (Aug, 2023)
  • ​​Dr. Sun gave a talk at Immunoforum 2023 (Aug 21-23, 2023)
  • Dr. Sun was invited as a lead speaker at Exploring new Horizons in Biotechnology (Feb 10-12, 2023)
  • Dr. Sun gave a talk at "International Summit on Vaccines Research and Development" (Sept 11-13, 2023)
  • Congratulations to Jonathon Bland for Master Degree!
  • Congratulations to Hassan Haidar for Master Degree and admission to MD program!
  • Congratulations to Bharath Subramanian for admission to MD program
  • Dr. Sun served NIH Anti-inferctive Therapeutics Study Section Panel (ZRG1 DCAI) (Dec 7-8, 2022)
  • Dr. Sun served NIH Topics in Bacteral Pathogenesis ZRG1 IIDB-k (90) Study Section Panel (March 29, 2023)
  • Dr. Sun served NIH DHMI Study Section Panel (June 29-30, 2023)
  • Dr. Sun served as ad hoc reviewer for French National Research Agency (May 2023)
  • In collaboration with Dr. Yu Chen’s team and other teams at USF, we published a paper
  • on “Nature Communications” July 2022. see here